The Stats

Transfer of Information
Getting information from site back to the project team requires a lengthy admin process creating inefficiencies.

Spiralling Project Issues
Mounting issues on a project means that a ‘Firefighting’ approach is taken. Most proactive planning processes go out of the window.

Defect Close Out
Dispute over defects found on projects mean that re-works required push completion deadlines and increase costs.
Is unplanned plant and tool downtime impacting your project programme?
Unplanned plant and tool downtime can have a big impact on your project schedule.
Whether an excavator breakdown or a Cut off Saw which has passed its service date, these delays can cause time critical issues on projects of all sizes. Helping to plan and manage potential downtime issues can have a positive impact on project schedules and profit margins.
of construction companies consistently experience downtime
of companies don’t know when assets are
scheduled for maintenance
of companies believe digital tools can help prevent downtime
How StoresMate can help

Plant and Tool Downtime
Issues that arise from plant and tool downtime

Unplanned Breakdowns
Unplanned breakdowns can have a big impact
to project programme if the risk isn’t managed effectively.

Maintenance / Servicing
If plant is maintained incorrectly, it increases the risk of breakdown. Managing maintenance schedule is key to maximise plant utilisation and to prevent downtime.

Having out of date certification for plant and equipment can lead to unnecessary downtime or curtailment of work.
How can you reduce the risks?

Plan plant downtime into your project programme
With a wealth of previous project data to hand, you may be able to plan in nominal tool and plant downtime into your project schedule. Plant companies will be able to provide reliability percentages for plant which will help too.

Collaboration with Tool and Plant suppliers
Having a collaborative relationship with hire companies and other suppliers can lead to more efficient flow of information between the teams.

On-call or Onsite fitter cover
Dependant on the size of the project and budget, having an onsite fitter available will minimise the impact of plant breakdowns.

Simple software solutions
Effective software solutions can give all key stakeholders real time data on the status of the project plant. Find out about issues instantly, manage all key certification and service records and track condition of tools and plant throughout hire or ownership lifecycle.
How we can help

Report plant issues immediately
Report and damage, defects, or downtime in real time. Get the information to the right people on the project immediately.

Access all project data in Real time
Access real time data on status of entire inventory. Get the who, where and when on a simple to use solution.

Paperless plant management
Have all key plant information and documentation available by scanning a SmartTag on the plant and equipment. Access service certificates, safety information and real time info on the status of the asset.

Manage Servicing and maintenance dates efficiently
Get notified on upcoming service and maintenance dates for all your plant and equipment.