What our team said...
Vinz Kuech - Construction Manager
"If there are any issues picked up on the reports we don’t have to wait for the teams to return to the office. We can view on Censite in real time and tell them to return to site and resolve any issues"
Across Projects
BR Rail Censite
Key Stats
Number of Users
Value of Assets
BR Rail carry out various works on the Rail infrastructure across the UK.
These works range from Planned Preventative Maintenance online side building and structures to minor projects.
BR Rail have implemented Censite across their projects which has enabled them to go completely paperless for project processes.
Head office has instant access to completed works to share easily with their clients. Dashboards detailing portfolio performance a real so created and used for a key management tool.
How is Censite Used?
Digital Documentation - Site information was uploaded to Censite allowing easy access on site.
Site Reporting - Daily Site Report was completed by teams across the BR Rail Business.
Site Forms - Forms have been created todigitise businesses processes. These includemileage logs, timesheets, vehicle checklistsand many more.
Briefings - Tool box talks, safety alerts anddaily briefings have been uploaded to thesystem and signed off by the BR Rail Team.
Dashboards - Weekly and Monthly ReportingDashboards gave an overview of projectperformance. These were also given to theclients installing confidence in delivery.